* Average annualised rate for the week/quarter/year ending 18/02/25. Investors interested in investing in the Fund must complete an application form attached to the current Product Disclosure Statement that is available from Murdoch Clarke Mortgage Fund 10 Victoria Street, Hobart or at www.mcmf.com.au.
Last Week Performance*
Last Quarter Performance*
Last Year Performance*
* Average annualised rate for the week/quarter/year ending 18/02/25. Investors interested in investing in the Fund must complete an application form attached to the current Product Disclosure Statement that is available from Murdoch Clarke Mortgage Fund 10 Victoria Street, Hobart or at www.mcmf.com.au.
Current Performance
Last Quarter Performance
Last Year Performance
Last 3 Years Performance
Last 5 Years Performance
Returns are net of fees and are likely to change in line with changes in market interest rates. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. There is a risk that an investment in the fund will achieve lower than expected returns. An investment in the fund is an equity investment in a managed investment scheme. It is not a bank deposit. An investor faces a higher risk of losing some or all their investment than is the case with a bank deposit. This information does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any investor. Before making any investment decision, investors should consider taking professional advice.
* Average annualised rate for the week/quarter/year ending 18/02/25. Investors interested in investing in the Fund must complete an application form attached to the current Product Disclosure Statement that is available from Murdoch Clarke Mortgage Fund 10 Victoria Street, Hobart or at www.mcmf.com.au.
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